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(sitio provisional: http://yoyalodijetambien.wordpress.com )

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2009

Letter to my friend by Jopasso

Alò, alò… This is the haloscan?
Yes? Pues hello to everybody

Letter to my friend Pascal Chimbonda of the city of Totenhan.

Hello Chimbo, how are you?
Now it is time for selections, so I have a little vacations, so I write carts. The entrenaments now are like a camping, because we are so few. One is in Senegal…, one in Argentina…, one in Portugal.., and a mogollow to Holand. This is the fucking desbandation. I say them: “Go, go to the selections, go. Que sois unos jodíos”

Look at the Barça, they simulate lesions and don’t go and can preparate the League. But on the other side I am also proud because I have a team of patriots.

So, I stay here with some inutils, like the Saviola, like the Guti, like the Palanca…and we play the mus in the grass, just in the penalty point. The mus is not an autoctone mouse. It is a game very funny with cards. We put some plegable chairs, a table, some sandwichs and a boot of wine, and play. The door closed to periodists of course. Sometimes the president Boluda which I call Vicentet, apunts himself and play, and when he is happy he puts a cap like a boat captain and even brings sandía and fires some tracas.
And when the wine is finish, we have the Dudek –I think is a porter- and goes to the tonel and fulls the boot

Ay Chimbo. You remember the happy times like the foto? This is when they kick my ass from the Totenhan. I heard the chairmans say: “Look boys, everyday when Juanderl arrives, you throw any liquid you find, all over his head till he quits, tired and fed up of the situation”
And yes, I decided to finish my Premier etap, when I saw the centrocampist Palacios taking the aparat out of the braguet and ready to piss over me. This was the horror, and thank you Chimbo to stop it and make a nud to that monstruose manguer. You were my only friend in the Totenhan

But you know Chimbo? I show this foto in La Mancha very proud, and say to my compadres: “After this shower I catch the finiquit, the wife and run, ho, ho..”

So, here I am, I cut the nail in the banquill, and the periodists consider it a relic.
So I think, “we are the cofrady of the burning nail”, and we can remontate the Barsa.

But althou I am a great strategist and win the league, me juelo that the Florentin will kick my ass because he says in intim circles that my glamur is the same as a fart. Don’t confound with Van der Fart, que ese si que es guapo el jodío.
En fin Chimbo, when I am free, I hope to return to some city of the Premier like Everton or Aston to entren and perfectionate my English. Like we say in the Mancha, “The more green also madurate”

Best Refrits Chimbo

Firmed: Juanderl

YOYALODIJE se alimenta de la pluralidad de opiniones y el derecho a expresarlas. Por el momento (?) somos una plataforma sin ánimo de lucro, con el simple objetivo de ofrecer un megáfono internáutico a cualquier descamisado con algo que decir relacionado con el Barça, o ni tan siquiera sobre ello. Aunque prioritáriamente sí, of course. De este modo, cada artículo está vinculado al autor del mismo, no al blog como ente. Llegados hasta este punto, no se escandalicen; para tanganas de verdad, división de pareceres y locura, acudan a los comentarios, la verdadera miga de este chiringuito. De los cuales tambien se responsabiliza todo el mundo individualmente. Y si no les gusta.... QUE LA CHUPEN!!! (con el perdón de las damas). Apa, circulen.